Sunday, November 4, 2012

Site Pages

Page one:
This will be the home page where I will be introducing the big man, I'm talkin' bout Jesus. Then I will introduce Manovich as required by Dr. Pepper.

(The numbers I have listed here probably won't be how I have them linked on the site.)

Pg 2:
Then I'll do my meme page, I was thinking I would use automation with this one since memes are made automatically with a meme generator. On this page I will explore the pop culture aspect of Jesus. I will discuss this and have a few memes up, as well as a link to a meme generator, as well as raptor jesus meme generator of course. Maybe modularity would work better here now that I think about it, I'll have to think about this some more hmmm.

pg 3:
Then I would like to discuss variability, and the varying representations of Jesus we are able to find in New Media. Here I will link to Jesus' facebook and twitter. As well as put pictures up as fan art, and discuss some different websites that are out there.

pg 4:
This will be my transcoding faith page. Here I would like to explore how people "transcode" their faith in Jesus into new media. I'm not exactly sure what content I'm going to put on the page to support my text but probably the videos I posted on my earlier post would work nicely. Also if I could link to some sites of Christian worship that would help offer more examples and tie it together.

pg 5:
I'm not sure what Manovich principle would work best here but I will probably do either automation or modularity pending which I decide would work best with the memes. Supposing I go with modularity it would be interesting to examine some of the digital elements of jesus floating around on the internet and see how those basic elements are being manipulated by users and for what purpose. For example:

1 comment:

  1. Transcoding is a great way to discuss how new media has helped evolve, and even shape, faith today.'s interesting that we've all decided to dedicate an entire page of our site to memes. I didn't even know what a meme was a couple of months ago. I suppose they are inherently new media-y and showcase Manovich's terms well.
