Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Office!

 Memes add meaning to the episode moment through another subject which is why they are so hilarious. I chose this particular meme because of the hatred Michael has for Toby and how far he goes to conceal it from his girlfriend by his hand gestures. Without understanding the dynamic of their relationship, you wouldn't really understand this meme. I think the reason for this meme in particular is to expose the ridiculousness of Michael's actions in a real-life way. In all honesty, I would probably go to ridiculous great lengths to hide the crap I did from my parents. This meme makes Michael, a very extreme character, more relatable.

 In order to understand this meme, you have to have fallen in love with the Pam and Jim romance story. I don't care who you are. Unless you have no soul, their relationship tugs at your heart strings. On to the second photo, I don't think watching this episode is absolutely necessary to understand this meme, but it sure helps. Michael's catastrophic approach to women is well known, but this episode probably tops it. Pam and Jim relationship is the ideal while Michael is the opposite extreme. Again, I think this makes Michael a more relatable character. Honestly, who hasn't said or done something while dating that made you want to crawl in a hole and die? Yep, we all have. The only difference here is that Michael won't feel the utter shame.

  I liked this fan art specifically because Toby and Michael almost look like the same person. I had to take a double take. I think the selection is great. The montage of the images is what makes this fan art so great. Again, distinguishing the two different characters is difficult at first glance. The purpose behind this piece of fan art is to maybe show Toby and Michael as equals, consciously aware of their battle. For fans who love the dynamic of their relationship, this fan art is both interesting visually and comically ideal.



  1. Are they still making new episodes of the office? I haven't heard anything on it for awhile now. In the last picture both michael, and Toby look like they could almost be garden gnomes, I don't know why they just do to me. Your top meme is interesting, because it's pretty funny even if you know nothing of the show, it acts completely independent of the show, where as the mad men memes, seemed like you had to have some prior knowledge of the show for them to be fully understood.

  2. The second meme got me a little nostalgic for The Office. The show is so great, but I haven't watched it in a long time. Is it just me, or did it lose a little of its spark once Jim and Pam got together? I loved the first 3 seasons, but when the "will they/won't they" get together part of the show ended, it wasn't quite as fun for me to watch.

    However, I will always love me some Dwight...

  3. I think this is a great topic, there are millions if "the office" fans and you will have a lot of resources to pull from.

    Speaking in relation to our manocich text, the social conduct and office evolution has probably had the biggest changes in the digital era. People no longer walk messages to one another, the just email them. Communication in an office setting is much faster and probably much less social than we see the character acting out in the office. I walked around an office setting last night and your project came to mind. I looked around at everybody's cubical and got depressed. The technological shrines were all the same with little varraitons for self expression. Custom mouse pads, custom coffee mugs and even a chair cover. I was blown away at the lack if individuality one can have in a cubical, it would drive me crazy if I had to work in a cubical all day. The cubicals were made of glass do the occupant would not feel boxed in... I think it is so the boss can walk by and make sure everybody is working away non-stop like a computer does.
