Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Manovich Terms Demystified

  1. Numeric Representation has a two pronged meaning, that each piece of media is assigned a numeric code and that code is manipulable or programmable. An example I imagined for numeric representation is a digital photograph. Often when uploading an image to the web, the image size and clarity will shrink or be reprogrammed for compatibility reasons.
  2. Modularity is the combination of independently functioning systems to create a new, higher-functioning system of media. Instead of recreating a piece of media consisting of several media formats, a user can manipulate one functioning system while the rest remain untouched. A car is a prime example of a modular system. The transmission of the car operates independently from the brakes, meaning either can be replaced while the other stays in tact untouched.
  3. Automation is the attempt to remove human intention from the creative process by creating generic web pages and templates. An example of automation is stock photography. If you are in need of a health care photo, specifically a doctor consulting with a patient, automating an existing generic image is much easier than creating the moment and taking the picture for your purposes.
  4. Variability, simply put, is a piece of new media that can exist in potentially infinite versions. My first association is with software where you commonly hear "Version 2.0" or "Version 39.5". Additional examples of variability include technology examples such as laptops. Two months after your "latest and greatest" purchase, your barely-used lap top is outdated. Technology is a great example of variability because of its' constant evolution.
  5. Transcoding is simply to translate a piece of new media into a different format of new media. I associate transcoding to the common process of burning an HD DVD onto a regular non HD format disc. Transcoding is also used in the opposite direction when technological advances are made such as updated websites, software etc.


  1. I enjoyed your post, short sweet and to the point. Your condensed definitions really helped me to further understand these five principles, actually after reading yours I think I may have been off on a few.

  2. This is really good! You chose great examples. They were ones that I hadn't thought of, so it helped me become a little more familiar with each one.
