The Office, a mockumentary of the average work place, originally aired in the United Kingdom in 2001. First airing in 2005, the United States version of The Office documents the varyious employee relations in Scranton, Pennsylvania's regional office of paper company Dunder Mifflin. Played by Steve Carell is Michael Scott, the manager you love to hate, who lacks any notion of self awareness or office appropriateness. Michael creatively leads and inspires a group of salesmen, accountants, and other admin employees. The frenemies of The Office are Jim Halpert and Dwight Shrute who consistently aggravate each other through obviously clashing personalities. Jim is notorious for his harmless pranks against the unsuspecting and naive Dwight. Ongoing inter-office romances occur between Dwight and Angela Martin, Ryan Howard and Kelly Kapoor, as well as Jim and Pam Beasley.
I plan to use Manovich principles throughout my project and feel that modularity may be most useful in the design.
The best part of the show for me (aside of the J/P love story, of course), has been getting to know the side characters. I love Creed's one-liners or Kelly's stereotypical portrayal of the oblivious and overly clingy single girl. These guys really made the show.