Monday, September 24, 2012

Theme Change

So I've been thinking of changing the theme of my project. Instead of shoe horning my subject all semester I was thinking it would be interesting to change my subject to Jesus. I thought I would post first to see what feedback you guys had for me.
Here are some memes/fan art.

Meme 1

Meme 2

Fan Art (you should look this up if you haven't already)


  1. For those who are easily offended... They might take offense to your project. I for one think this could be a very diverse project depending on the direction you take it. Are you doing the project to make fun or just show facts? For my project "running" I am going to bring about the facts and my page will be a fan page with humor tied in like my memes showed. With the carb loading meme for example.

  2. Not really knowing where you are going to go with this topic (spiritual, factual, light-hearted, etc.)...I say go for it. What made you think of it for the project? I sincerely liked the Utah Wilderness theme, but I also know how hard it can be to wrestle with a difficult topic--especially on a large project like this.

  3. I wouldn't personally worry about the offense issue. You're gathering objects for an academic exhibition. Academics look at potentially controversial issues all the time. Just do it in a respectful manner -hey look this is out there- and you'll be fine.

  4. I didn't really intend to make it offensive, or a mockery in anyway. I can see how it might seem that way with the memes I posted. I just thought the figure of jesus (being the definitive old media subject) would be interesting when analyzing new media, and how the traditional religious figure might have changed in the digital age.
